Overseas Aid

Movers Newman, P.

That this Synod
(a) welcomes the Commonwealth Government’s decision to increase the share of overseas aid through AusAID being channelled though NGO’s;
(b) regrets that the proportion of Gross National Product allocated to overseas aid is little more that a third of the 0.7% accepted as a target by the government, in accordance with UN resolution, and in the light of the continuing prosperity which is enjoyed by many Australians, encourages the government to share our well-being with the world’s poor and deprived; and
(c) encourages dioceses to fulfil the Lambeth Conference Resolution ‘to fund international development programmes, recognised by provinces, at a level of at least 0.7% of diocesan income’.

The Venerable P Newman moved, Bishop J Harrower seconding;
Carried 21/07/01

Resolution year: 2001
Resolution number: 06/01