Procedure - Voting on Bills in Writing
Movers Monro, J.
(a) the votes on the second and third readings of the undermentioned bills and canons be cast in writing,
indicating whether members vote for or against the motion or abstain from voting;
(b) the votes be counted by scrutineers appointed by the President;
(c) the scruti8neers inform the President the results of the voting; and
(d) upon a vote being taken on a bill and canon, further consideration of the bill and canon stand adjourned,
without a motion being moved, until called on by the president as soon as practicable after has been informed the result of the vote.
Bills and Canons:
Constitution Alteration (Membership of Standing Committee) Bill and Canon;
Constitution Alteration (Chairing of Meetings) Bill and Canon;
Constitution Alteration (Financial Provisions) Bill and Canon;
Constitution Alteration (Costs, Charges and Expenses of the National Church) Bill and Canon;
Constitution Alteration (Representatives and Composition of the General Synod) Bill and Canon;
Constitution Alteration (Making of Canons) Bill and Canon.
(Mr J. Monro, 21-8-89)
Resolution year: 1989
Resolution number: 20/89