Professional Standards Commission - 1
Movers Blake, G.
The General Synod recommends that each diocese:
a) ensures that its website contains details of its professional standards policies and procedures and includes a link to the professional standards information on the General Synod website;
b) should introduce a diocesan policy for the selection and accreditation of lay parish church workers who have the opportunity to be alone with a child in their ministry, including appropriate training and storage of records, that takes into account the principles in the document entitled “Model System for the Selection and Accreditation of Lay Parish Church Workers” of the Professional Standards Commission;
c) develops procedures for the disclosure of whether there is any, and if so what, Information on the National Register for the appointment of persons to professional standards roles, the election of a bishop, and the election of persons by a Church authority;
d) includes on the diocesan website a list of all licensed clergy of the diocese; and
e) circulates the Preliminary Report from the Doctrine Commission concerning Theological lssues Surrounding Sexual and Other Forms of Abuse to all clergy, and church workers who minister to those affected by abuse and abusers.
Mr Garth Blake SC moved, Mrs Marilyn Redlich seconding, 23 Oct 07
Resolution year: 2007
Resolution number: 65/07