Professional Standards Commission - 3

Movers Blake, G.

The General Synod:
(a) commends the National Council of Churches in Australia for organising the Safe as Churches? II and III national ecumenical consultations on sexual misconduct and abuse in the Australian churches and recommends that the National Council of Churches in Australia facilitate where feasible joint action by member churches and other Australian churches to promote the physical, emotional and spiritual welfare and safety of all people within their communities;
(b) recommends that the Commonwealth Government ensures that children and young people are a national priority by appointing a Children’s Minister and an independent Commissioner for Children, who will provide leadership in:
(i) a co-ordinated approach to policy implementation in the best interests of children;
(ii) developing a National Strategy on child abuse and neglect, in consultation with the States and Territories and community service organizations; and
(iii) requests that the General Secretary conveys this resolution to the Prime Minister and the Minister for Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs;
(c) recommends that State and Territory Governments enact uniform laws that provide for:
(i) the reporting of child abuse to the police and the government child protection authorities; and
(ii) the screening of all persons seeking to work with children in a paid or voluntary capacity; and
(iii) requests that the General Secretary conveys this resolution to the Premier or Chief Minister of each State and Territory, and to the Community Services Ministers’ Advisory Council.

Mr Garth Blake moved, Mrs Marilyn Redlich seconding, 23 Oct 07

Resolution year: 2007
Resolution number: 67/07