Professional Standards

Movers McIntyre, J.

The General Synod:
(a) receives the report of the Professional Standards Commission;
(b) recommends that each diocese:
(i) adopts the policy that there be disclosure of any Information in the National Register to the appropriate person or body before the appointment of persons to any office or position involving the following responsibilities:
A ministry with children;
B disciplinary functions;
C giving advice, or making policy on professional standards matters.
(ii) ensure the name and contact details of clergy licensed to hear confessions in cases of child sexual abuse are readily available, including in their diocesan year book
(c) refers to the Professional Standards Commission:
(i) the development of a policy for the use of technology in pastoral communications for consideration by the Standing Committee.
(ii) the consideration of whether screening for cybersex should be included in the Safe Ministry Check forms, and the preparation of any amendments to those forms.
(iii) the preparation of a statement of expectations regarding the behaviour of lay members of the Church for consideration by the next ordinary session of the General Synod.
(iv) the development of national benchmarks for safe ministry training after seeking advice from the dioceses about their expectations and experience of safe ministry training for consideration by the Standing Committee.
(v) to report to the 16th General synod on the progress of the Church in the development and implementation of safe ministry policies and structures.

Bishop John McIntyre moved, Mr Garth Blake seconding, 22 Sept 10

Resolution year: 2010
Resolution number: 95/10