Quadricentenary of the King James Bible

Movers Smith, E.

That this Synod:

(a) gives thanks to God for the impact of the King James Version of the Bible on English speaking peoples over the past four centuries;
(b) recognises that in 2011 the 400th anniversary of the King James Version of the Bible provides an opportunity to celebrate the contribution which that translation has made to shaping the life, language and culture of Australia and other nations;
(c) commends the King James Version and other faithful translations of the Bible for personal and public instruction, affirming the importance of continuing biblical translation, scholarship and teaching;
(d) notes with enthusiasm the events throughout 2011 organised by the Bible Society in Australia and the 2011 Trust in the United Kingdom;
(e) requests that dioceses, parishes and all Anglicans support the celebrations of the King James Version of the Bible and undertake local initiatives, where possible, to promote and teach the Bible both within the Church and throughout the Australian community.

Dr Elizabeth Smith moved, Bishop Glenn Davies seconding, 18 Sept 10

Resolution year: 2010
Resolution number: 23/10