Resourcing the Families and Culture

Movers Lauersen, T

The General Synod, noting the results of the National Anglican Family Violence Research Project, the scope of prevention work outlined in the Ten Commitments made by the Church and the long-term nature of culture change, supports the allocation of General Synod resources to meet the objectives of the Family and Culture Commission, and
a. requests the Treasurer to recast the General Synod budget to allocate $52,000 to the Family and Culture Commission in the 2022 General Synod Statutory Assessment budget and $186,000 in the 2023 budget and 2024-25 forecasts; and
b. requests Standing Committee to apply this funding to staffing and resourcing the Anglican Church of Australia’s prevention and response to family violence affecting its members; and
c. requests Standing Committee to investigate opportunities for philanthropic and community funding to support the objectives of the Family and Culture Commission.

The Rev’d Tracy Lauersen moving, Dr Karin Sowada seconding

Resolution year: 2022
Resolution number: 69/18