Rule Re Interpretation
Movers Kerrigan, A.B.
1. That synod makes the following rule:- “The meanings and interpretations contained in s. 74 of the
Constitution shall apply to the Canons the Rules and Standing Orders of Synod unless the context or subject matter thereof indicates the contrary”; and
2. That Standing Committee be requested to appoint a sub-committee to scan the Canons, Standing Orders
and Rules made by synod for the following purposes not extending to any matters of substance:-
(a) to ensure that identity of phrase is used wherever the same matter or thing is intended;
(b) to make any necessary correction of the use of the articles;
(c) to make clear that a document in writing means in type-writing;
(d) to renumber clauses, etc., where necessary;
(e) to check accuracy of cross references;
(f) to settle the margin alignment printing;
(g) to arrange as far as the rules are concerned a scheme of divisions headings and numbers;
(h) to tidy up in other like manner.
(Mr A.B. Kerrigan, 17/5/62)
Resolution year: 1962
Resolution number: 40/62