Seats In Synod

Movers Norris, B.

That Reverend Professor James Haire, and heads of NCCA member Churches or their designated representatives be welcomed as guests and that our guests be granted permission to speak if called upon by the President;

That the following persons not being members of this General Synod be granted a seat in the Synod during consideration of resolutions or legislation in relation to the organisations which they represent, and be granted permission to speak if called upon by the President.

The Reverend G Smith, National Director of the Anglican Board of Mission – Australia;
The Reverend Dr Mark Harding, Dean of the Australian College of Theology;
The Honourable Mr Philip Ruddock, MP to speak in connection with the resolution on refugees (Item 18.44); and
The Right Reverend Dr Tom Frame, Bishop to the Defence Force.

Mr B.J. Norris moved, Mr T Briggs seconding,
Carried 21/07/01

Resolution year: 2001
Resolution number: 67/01