Seats of Synod
Movers George, I.G.C.
(i) That the Reverend Gregor Henderson from the Uniting Church in Australia, the Observers from the Roman
Catholic Church and Ms Christine Ledger, Acting General Secretary from the National Council of Churches in Australia, be welcomed as ecumenical guests and that our guests be granted permission to speak if called upon by the President;
(ii) That Synod grants the General Secretary (the Reverend Dr B.N. Kaye) a seat on the floor of Synod with
permission to speak if called upon to do so by the President, with power of proposition but without vote.
(iii) That Synod grants the Honorary Treasurer (Mr A. Scarra) a seat in the Synod with permission to speak on
financial matters if called upon to do so by the President, with power of proposition on financial matters but without vote;
(iv) That leave be given for the Reverend Canon L.F. Bartlett, the Reverend R.L. Dowling, and the Reverend
Dr C.H. Sherlock to have a seat on the floor of Synod during the course of debate on the Bill for a Canon to Authorise the use of a prayer Book for Australia and during the course of debate on the content of the Book, with the right to speak, and in committee to move motions, but not to vote.
(v) That the Right Reverend A.A. Malcolm, not being a member of this General Synod, be granted a seat in
Synod and be granted permission to speak if called upon by the President.
(vi) That Synod notes that under the terms of the Australian Board of Missions Canon 1966-1985, section
11, the Right Reverend B.R Kyme, not being a member of this General Synod, as Chairman of the Australian Board of Missions, is entitled to be present during consideration of the report of the Australian Board of Mission and resolves that Bishop Kyme be granted a seat in Synod and permission to speak during consideration of the Anglican Board of Mission – Australia Canon 1995, if called upon by the President.
(vii) That Mr Alan Hall, Secretary of the Long Service Leave Board and Australian Clergy Provident Fund,
and Mr John Henry being the solicitor for both these funds, not being a member of this General Synod, be granted a seat in Synod during consideration of draft legislation for these funds and during consideration of the reports of these funds and be granted permission to speak if called upon by the President.
[The Most Reverend I.G.C. George – 3-7-95]
Resolution year: 1995
Resolution number: 06/95