Small Groups Discussion Programme

Movers Drevikovsky, M.

Mr Martin Drevikovsky moved, Ms Leigh Harwood seconded,

That four small group discussions be held from 11.00am to 12.30pm on Monday 30 June 2014, Tuesday 1 July 2014, Wednesday 2 July 2014 and Thursday 3 July 2014.

That the topics for discussion be:

Monday 30 June 2014: What are your highest hopes for the ministry and mission of the Anglican Church of Australia to our nation?
Tuesday 1 July 2014: Reflecting on your own experiences and the reports provided, what concerns you about the current state of ministry and mission in our Church?
Wednesday 2 July 2014: What are the causes of the concerns identified by your group yesterday? Why is it difficult for us to deal with them?
Thursday 3 July 2014: What are the practical steps (both short-term and long-term) that we should take to work towards achieving the highest hopes you identified on Monday?

That the small groups’ discussion program include a prayer and bible study.

That the following resources be available to facilitate discussion:

(a) Prayer and bible study resources.
(b) Report of the Viability and Structures Task Force to the General Synod.
(c) Report of the Diocesan Financial Advisory Group to the Standing Committee dated 22 April 2014.
(d) Report of the National Church Unity Task Force dated 11 April 2014 and its further Report dated 20 May 2014.
(e) Report of the General Secretary on implementation of recommendations in the two preceding reports.
(f) Theological reflection provided by The Right Reverend Stephen Pickard.

That the groups be comprised with facilitators as published on the General Synod website and in the Memorial Hall foyer.

That a short introduction to the group discussion program be provided at 10.20am on Monday 30 June 2014 by Mr Garth Blake SC and others.

That each discussion group be requested to provide short reflections on their deliberations after each session, to be published to members of Synod electronically and in hardcopy.

That a half hour be allocated for Reporting on the outcomes of the group discussion program at 5.30pm on Thursday 3 July 2014.

That Mrs Marilyn Redlich be invited to address the Synod as part of the introduction session on Thursday 3 July 2014 and that Mrs Redlich be granted leave to enter the Synod hall as necessary to facilitate the organisation and administration of the discussion program.

That (without precluding other ways in which motions may come before the Synod under the Standing Orders) the co-ordinators of the small group discussion program, after consultation with the Design Group and the group facilitators, may bring forward motions arising from the group discussions.

30 June 2014

Resolution year: 2014
Resolution number: 12/14