South Africa
Movers Newman, P.J.
That General Synod
i) Welcomes the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Bishop Desmond Tutu and his election as Bishop of
Johannesburg and assures him and his church of our prayers;
ii) is distressed by the sudden arrest of Dr Alan Boesak, President of the World Federation of Reformed Churches;
iii) urges Australian Christians to pray for God’s overruling that the power of the Gospel will bring about essential
changes in South Africa so that justice may prevail and further blood-shed may be avoided;
iv) regrets the proposed rebel cricket tour of South Africa and all sporting and other contacts which give comfort
to the proponents of apartheid;
v) urges Australian disinvestment in South Africa;
vi) supports the action of the Federal Government in imposing selective sanctions on the Republic of South Africa,
and asks the Government to bring similar proposals to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in October.
(Archdeacon P.J. Newman, 31.8.85)
Resolution year: 1985
Resolution number: 84/85