State and Territory Gambling Reform

Movers Grant, S

The General Synod notes that Australia has the world’s worst rate of gambling losses per capita, with poker machines causing the significant majority of those losses, being home to less than half a percent of the world’s population but with 20 percent of its pokies.

The General Synod also notes that the Bible reminds rulers to “Speak up and judge fairly, defend the rights of the poor and needy” (Proverbs 31:9).

Therefore, in light of the enormous losses on poker machines, General Synod urges all State and Territory parliaments, to consider urgently:
implementation of $1 bet limits on all poker machines (recommended by Productivity Commission);
implementation of a cashless gaming smart card system (commended by the Bergin Inquiry);
more extensive compulsory shut down periods for all poker machines, for example between midnight and 10am, and;
as an immediate initial step, mandating that all future electronic gaming device technology (including the gaming devices themselves and any gambling card technology) be capable of implementing such measures.

The General Synod requests the General Secretary to communicate the terms of this resolution to the Premiers and Opposition Leaders of each State and Territory Parliament.

The Very Rev’d Sandy Grant moving, the Rev’d Dr Michael Bird seconding

Resolution year: 2022
Resolution number: 62/18