The Province of New South Wales Ordinance

Movers Marr, D.

Mr Doug Marr moved, Bishop Sarah Macneil seconded,

That General Synod:

(a) notes that the Provincial Synod Constitution Amendment Ordinance 2011 was passed by the NSW Provincial
Synod in May 2011;
(b) notes that the NSW Anglican Church of Australia Constitution Act 1902 requires changes to the NSW
Provincial Constitution to be ratified by, or made in accordance with, a canon of the General Synod;
(c) notes that this ordinance has received the assent of most of the dioceses in NSW;
(d) notes it is expected that in the near future the ordinance will have received the assent of all dioceses of NSW;
(e) asks the Standing Committee of General Synod, once the proposed change has been approved by all dioceses
in NSW, to seek approval by General Synod canon by implementing the procedures of a circular canon as provided in section 28A of the Constitution.

1 July 2014

Resolution year: 2014
Resolution number: 30/14