Unity of The Anglican Church of Australia

Movers Ballantine-Jones, B.

Noting that this Session of General Synod is the closest scheduled meeting to the fiftieth anniversary of the commencement of the 1962 Constitution of The Anglican Church of Australia expresses its gratitude for the benefits that independence from the Church of England have brought.

It also acknowledges the serious stresses to the unity of the ACA that have developed over these 50 years and requests Standing Committee to appoint a representative commission to examine how the dioceses might better live together as a national body and bring to the next Session of Synod proposals, including constitutional amendments, which will allow the ACA to better express its unity and fellowship into its second 50 years.

The Revd Canon Bruce Ballantine-Jones moved, The Revd Dr John Davis seconding,
23 Sept 10

Resolution year: 2010
Resolution number: 155/10