Visitors' Gallery, Identification and Access
Movers Norris, B.
That in order to provide for the orderly conduct of its meeting, Synod:
a) notes that the visitors’ gallery has seating for a maximum of 35 persons who must remain quiet and seated throughout proceedings. Synod directs that no seats, except those roped off and marked, may be reserved in the visitors’ area;
b) directs that no member of the public may enter the floor of Synod except as provided for in the resolution regarding the media;
c) requires that members wear their badges at all times when entering the Synod Hall and while they are in the Synod Hall; and
d) notes that access to the dining hall will be for those wearing a member’s or other appropriate badge.
Mr Brian Norris moved, Mr Wayne Sutton seconding, 20 Oct 07
Resolution year: 2007
Resolution number: 10/07