Vote of Thanks – Mr Garth Blake AM SC

Movers Smith, G

Vote of Thanks – Mr Garth Blake AM SC

The Most Rev’d Geoffrey Smith moving, Ms Audrey Mills seconding

That this Synod thanks Garth Blake for his work and leadership in safety and protection of children and vulnerable people, with the goal of creating a safe Church.

Garth has also made a significant contribution with his legal knowledge and assistance as a member of Standing Committee and to this Synod over many years.

Garth was the first chair of the Child Protection Unit, until the formation of the Professional Standards Commission in 2004, now constituted as the Safe Ministry Commission.

In these roles he has led the significant work in the national church in the development of legislation, understanding of the national and state requirements, and the ensuring that as a church we have recognised the need for our church to respond to past and present abuse and do all we can to protect it.

Garth has also led this work in the Anglican Communion.

Notably his leadership enabled us to respond positively to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, and that work continues.

That this Synod give thanks to God for Garth’s work and service to the General Synod and the Anglican Church of Australia.

The Most Rev’d Geoffrey Smith moving, Ms Audrey Mills seconding

Resolution year: 2022
Resolution number: 53/18