Indigenous Ministry


NATSIAC stands for National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Anglican Council.  This Council formally represents the interests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members of the Church nationally. It assists individuals and communities by providing pastoral care, and it also assists, encourages and resources Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ministries.

There is a NATSIAC Canon which is part of General Synod’s rules and regulations that govern the membership of NATSIAC and give the Council guidelines as to its work and function.  NATSIAC is affiliated internationally with the Anglican Indigenous Network which has a seat on the United Nations.

For further information about the activities of NATSIAC, visit the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Anglican Council website.


Archbishops and Bishops from around Australia and overseas gathered at St Peter’s Cathedral to recognise and celebrate the Episcopal Ordination of South Australia’s first Aboriginal Bishop on April 11th 2015.

Bishop Chris McLeod is Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Adelaide with special responsibility for ministry alongside Aboriginal people in South Australia.

Bishop McLeod is identified as the National Aboriginal Bishop appointed after consultation with each of the Archbishops of the Australian Church and the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Anglican Council.

He is of Gurindji descent and has been involved in ministry among and beside Aboriginal people in Anglican orders for more than 20 years.

Information on the the Voice to Parliament can be accessed here