Defence Force Ministry
Ministry to the Australian defence forces is administered by the Defence Force Board, which is constituted under the Defence Force Board Canon 1985.
The objects of the Board shall be in accordance with s4:
a) to continue the work of the Armed Services Board established under the Armed Services Board Canon 1966
b) to be a resource available to the Primate, the bishops, the Synod and the Standing Committee of General Synod on all matters concerned with the ministrations of the Church among men and women of the Defence Force and the families of those men and women
c) to consult with and to give advice to the Bishop to the Defence Force
d) to administer any funds or other property allotted to it by General Synod, or placed at its disposal in other ways, for the furtherance of these objects and in providing for the Bishop to the Defence Force
e) to do such other things in respect to Chaplains in the Defence Force and their work as may be delegated to it by the Primate, the General Synod or Standing Committee of General Synod.
The current membership of the Defence Force Board is:
– The Right Reverend Grant Dibden, Bishop to the Defence Force – Chair
– The Rev’d Dr Lynette Pearson
– The Rev’d Catherine Wynn Jones
– The Rev’d Andrew Nixon
– Dr Michael Tong
– The Venerable Darren Hindle
– The Venerable Glenn Buijs
– The Venerable John (Cam) Carroll
– Colonel Mark Francis (Retd)
For more information about the work of Anglican Defence Force Chaplains, or about the Defence Force Board, please click here.
Defence Force Board report to General Synod 2022
Defence Force Board report to General Synod 2017
Defence Force Board report to General Synod 2014