Families and Culture

Promoting violence free families in the church and community


 Access the New Families and Culture Commission Website: tencommitments.org.au


Faith, Hope and Love | Families and Culture Commission 2024 Conference

We invite people from across the breadth of our Australian churches, denominations and ministries to join us. If you want to play a bigger part in your faith and ministry in preventing violence against women – join us in Melbourne as we listen and learn from one another.

The conference will run over two days in September (2nd -3rd), and will feature a range of keynote speakers, practice workshops and talks themed around the hopeful work of how our church communities can help to create a future free from violence against women. There will also be a great opportunity to connect with others at the conference at our Monday evening networking event. The conference will also provide spaces to join others in prayer for the work, and for victim survivors of violence.

 Access the Faith, Hope and Love Conference Website: tencommitments.org.au/conference

Register for the Faith, Hope and Love Conference: humanitix.com/2024-faith-hope-and-love-conference

Promoting violence free families in the church and community


 Access the New Families and Culture Commission Website: tencommitments.org.au

Families and Culture Commission

At the Eighteenth Session of General Synod a new reference Commission was ratified to continue the work of the Family Violence working Group.

The functions of the Families and Culture Commission are:

(a) to examine questions that relate to family violence affecting members of the Church, the drivers of violence and the well-being of families and women referred to it by the Primate, the Standing Committee or the General Synod, and to report thereon to the referring party and to the Standing Committee, and

(b) to make recommendations to the Standing Committee on matters relating to family violence affecting members of the Church, violence prevention and the well-being of families and women.



The members of the Families and Culture Commission are:

  • The Right Reverend Genieve Blackwell – Chair
  • The Very Reverend Richard Humphrey
  • The Reverend Scott Holmes
  • The Venerable Kara Hartley
  • Ms Ruth Holt 
  • Ms Naomi Johnson
  • The Reverend Dr Matthew Wilcoxen

National Program Manager – The Reverend Tracy Lauersen
Contact Tracy here



Family Violence Working Group

The Family Violence Working Group was established by the Standing Committee of General Synod at its meeting in December 2017 in response to Resolutions 20/17, 23/17, 49/17 and 50/17 passed at the Seventeenth Session of the General Synod:

The role of the Family Violence Working Group is to:

a)    investigate a professionally designed, independent research study into the nature and prevalence of family violence within the Australian Anglican Church population
b)    establish the nature and extent of current Family Violence policies, pastoral care frameworks and training modules across Dioceses.
c)    develop a “best practice” model policy and pastoral care framework for responding well to situations involving family violence within our parishes and organisations
d)    recommend curriculum content and/or guidelines to address unhealthy views about power or the marginalisation of women and other survivors of family violence.


National Anglican Family Violence Project

The Anglican Church of Australia has conducted Australia’s first known national research into family violence within faith communities.

The National Anglican Family Violence Project (NAFVP) investigated the prevalence, experience, and impact of family violence for those who identify as Anglicans in Australia.  An announcement launching the project in June 2019 is available here.

Research Findings
In June 2021 top line results of the research were released
Top Line Research Results
Media Announcement 9 June 2021

In August 2021 the detailed research reports were released following presentation at the National Anglican Family Violence Project Working Conference.  The objective of the conference was to share the research findings with diocesan representatives and to develop local and national initiatives in response.

The detailed NAFVP reports can be accessed here:
National Anglican Family Violence Research Report
NAFVP Prevalence Study Report
NAFVP Experience Study Report
NAFVP Clergy and Lay Leaders Report

Ten Commitments for Prevention and Response
Ten Commitments for Prevention and Response to Domestic and Family Violence in the Anglican Church of Australia were endorsed by General Synod Standing Committee and circulated to dioceses for adoption and action.

Media Announcement 16 August 2021