Executive Committee of Standing Committee


The Executive Committee shall consist of:

The Primate (Chair)
Six [6] members of the Standing Committee elected by the Standing Committee, of whom there shall be at least:
one member of the House of Bishops
one member of the House of Clergy
one member of the House of Laity
The Honorary Treasurer
The General Secretary.

The Executive Committee may co-opt one consultant with finance qualifications who shall not be an Executive Committee member and shall not have the right to vote.

The Finance and Operations Manager attends Executive Committee meetings.


The present membership is:

The Most Rev’d Geoffrey Smith (Chair)
The Rt Rev’d Garry Weatherill
The Venerable Canon Arthur Copeman
The Rt Rev’d Dr Michael Stead
The Rev’d Lynda Johnson
Dr Ian Gibson
Mrs Carine Collins
Mr Keith Stephens
Ms Anne Hywood.


1. A quorum at an Executive Committee meeting shall be five members of the Committee.

2. The Executive will normally meet approximately two months before each regular meeting of the Standing Committee and at such other times as the Primate determines.


1. The Executive Committee will deal with such matters as are referred to it by the Standing Committee for advice or action.

2. In addition the Executive Committee shall:

(a) review and approve a draft budget each year for recommendation to the Standing Committee;

(b) have authority to approve expenditure not provided for in any budget up to the limit set out in the Standing Committee’s Financial Management Policy as amended from time to time;

(c) make amendments to the composition of any expenditure of budget as provided in the Standing Committee’s Financial Management Policy as amended from time to time;

(d) receive a finance report at each regular meeting and present a financial report to each regular meeting of the Standing Committee; and

(e) advise the General Secretary on the agenda and timetable for meetings of the Standing Committee.

(f) have authority to confirm the appointment of persons to represent the Anglican Church of Australia at international and domestic conferences and events and to authorise associated expenditure within the available budget.