Episcopal Standards Board
The Episcopal Standards Board determines questions relating to the conduct of a bishop referred to it by the Episcopal Standards Commission. The Board may direct outcomes ranging from an order that the bishop be counselled to the bishop being deposed from holy orders.
The Board is convened as required from a panel of members elected by the General Synod.
The Episcopal Standards Board is governed by a number of Canons of the General Synod:
Episcopal Standards Canon 2007
Episcopal Standards (Child Protection) Canon 2017
Special Tribunal Canon 2007
Offences Canon 1962
Episcopal Standards Commission Report on Keith Slater
The Episcopal Standards Commission provided a report to the Board in August 2024, referring questions relating to the conduct of Keith Slater while serving as Bishop of Grafton.
The Episcopal Standards Board convened to consider the report is:
The Hon Paul de Jersey AC CVO KC – President
The Right Reverend Dr Matthew Brain – Member
Ms Seak-King Huang – Member
A hearing into the matter took place on Tuesday 11 February 2025 at 11.00am AEDT
The hearing took place online via video conference. Media and members of the public were able to view the hearing in a virtual public gallery under conditions similar to attending an in person public gallery in a court or tribunal.
Publication of the Determination
The Board has reserved it’s determination. When the determination is finalised and provided directly to the individuals outlined in the Episcopal Standards (Child Protection) Canon 2017, it will also be published on this website.
Media Enquiries
Media enquiries can be referred to the Primate’s Media Officer.
Primate’s Media Adviser
Mr Bill Condie
Mobile: 0450 952 365
Email: media@adelaideanglicans.com
Secretary to the Episcopal Standards Board
Ms Kim Kemp
Tel: 02 8267 2700
Email: esb@anglican.org.au
Episcopal Standards Commission report on Roger Herft
The Episcopal Standards Commission provided a report to the Board in 2020, referring questions relating to the conduct of Roger Herft while serving as Bishop of Newcastle. The questions relate to his response to allegations of child sexual abuse by clergy while he was Bishop of Newcastle.
The Episcopal Standards Board convened to consider this report is:
Mr Peter Dunning QC – Deputy President
The Right Reverend Dr Ian Coutts
The Right Reverend William Ray
Mrs Vivien Bleby
Ms Michelle England
A hearing into the matter was conducted on Tuesday 21 September 2021.
Publication of the Episcopal Standards Board’s Determination in relation to the Episcopal Standards Commission referral concerning Roger Herft – 8 December 2021
The Episcopal Standards Board determination is available here.
The Most Reverend Geoffrey Smith, Primate of the Anglican Church of Australia provided this statement in response to the Episcopal Standards Board determination on 13 December 2021.
Further enquiries
Any enquiries can be directed to the Secretary to the Episcopal Standards Board.
Email: gsoffice@anglican.org.au
Media enquiries can be referred to the Primate’s Media Officer.
Mr Bill Condie
Mobile: 0405 862 785
Email: media@adelaideanglicans.com