Nominations and Appointments Committee


The present membership is:

Dr Karin Sowada (Chair)
The Most Rev’d Dr Philip Freier 

The Rev’d Tracy Lauersen


The Nominations and Appointments Committee was established in June 2019 as a permanent committee of Standing Committee to assist Standing Committee to meet the gender balance target.

In addition to the gender balance target the committee’s terms of reference include broader diversity considerations including age, ethnicity, cultural background and regional participation.

The committee has three members, to be drawn from Standing Committee membership.

The committee is requested to identify and maintain a list of suitably qualified persons in a range of skill categories who are willing to serve on General Synod bodies.

The committee can establish its own procedures for implementing its terms of reference.

The committee will develop and implement a process to identify and encourage women to stand for elected positions at General Synod.


The Nominations and Appointments Committee is responsible for the application of and reporting on the Gender Balance in Membership of General Synod Bodies Policy – 1 June 2019