Long Service Leave Board
The Long Service Leave Board, as constituted under Part II of the Long Service Leave Canon 2010, meets quarterly throughout the year to receive and to consider various Fund matters including the Fund’s administration, the investment of Fund monies, actuarial and other reports, and to consider matters relevant to the Fund’s operation.
The Board members are:
Bishop Donald Kirk (House of Bishops)
The Reverend Dr Andrew Ford (House of Clergy)
The Venerable Simon Roberts (House of Clergy)
Mr Douglas Marr (House of Laity)
Mr Allan Thomson (House of Laity)
Mr Christopher Nelson (House of Laity)
Mrs Leeanne Zamagias (House of Laity)
Ms Alison Perrott (Board Appointment)
Mrs Catherine Rich (Board Appointment)
The Board has established an Audit and Risk Committee to assist with the execution of its functions.
The Board has appointed the following advisors:
- Actuary – Mr Stephen Crump BA FIAA, PFS Consulting.
The Canon requires the Board to procure the advice of an Actuary for the exercise of all its powers that require actuarial knowledge or judgement
- Asset Consultant – Mr Sean McGing FIAA, McGing Advisory and Actuarial.
The Asset Consultant monitors and advises on the suitability and performance of the Fund’s investments, and on risk management issues.
- Investment Manager – Pendal Group Ltd
The Fund’s monies are invested in an investment portfolio comprised of a mix of sustainable assets that is expected to provide a balance of investments across a range of asset classes and to produce a reasonably stable rate of investment earnings in future years.
The Board engages the services of the General Synod Office of the Anglican Church of Australia to administer the Fund. The General Synod Office is responsible for the day-to-day operation and management of the Fund.