Standing Committee

The Standing Committee is responsible for the affairs of General Synod in between General Synod sessions.


The Standing Committee membership is:

The Primate, who is also the President
The Metropolitans of the Provinces
The Chair of Committees of the Synod
The elected lay and clerical Secretaries of the Synod
Three elected diocesan Bishops
Nine elected members of the House of Clergy
Nine elected members of the House of Laity
Two appointed members of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Anglican Council (NATSIAC)
The General Secretary.


The current members are:

Primate: The Most Rev’d Geoffrey Smith, Metropolitan of the Province of South Australia


The Most Rev’d Dr Philip Freier, Metropolitan of the Province of Victoria
The Most Rev’d Kay Goldsworthy AO, Metropolitan of the Province of Western Australia
The Most Rev’d Jeremy Greaves, Metropolitan of the Province of Queensland
The Most Rev’d Kanishka Raffel, Metropolitan of the Province of New South Wales

Chair of Committees: Dr Ian Gibson

Clerical Secretary: The Very Rev’d Katherine Bowyer

Lay Secretary: Mr Timothy Reid

House of Bishops:

The Rt Rev’d Dr Keith Joseph
The Rt Rev’d Dr Peter Stuart
The Rt Rev’d Garry Weatherill

House of Clergy:

The Rt Rev’d Dr Paul Barker
The Rev’d Kate Beer
The Ven Stephen Carnaby
The Venerable Canon Arthur Copeman
The Rev’d Dr Andrew Ford
The Rev’d Lynda Johnson
The Rev’d Tracy Lauersen
The Rev’d Natalie Rosner
The Rt Rev’d Dr Michael Stead

House of Laity:

Dr Timothy Arnold-Moore
Mrs Carine Collins
Dr Khim Harris
Ms Seak-King Huang
Mrs Fiona McLean
Justice Michael Meek
Justice Debra Mullins AO
Dr Karin Sowada
Dr Robert Tong AM

National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Anglican Council (NATSIAC):

The Rt Rev’d Chris McLeod
Dr Rose Elu

General Secretary: Ms Anne Hywood

General Synod Treasurer: Vacant


Rule II outlines the powers and duties of Standing Committee.  Meetings are usually held twice each year.


Executive Committee of Standing Committee

Audit Committee

Investment Committee

Nominations and Appointments Committee