Investment Committee


The Investment Committee is appointed by the members of General Synod Standing Committee to assist and advise the Standing Committee in relation to managing investment funds of which it is the custodian including:

Establishment of appropriate investment objectives.
Setting asset allocation targets.
Selecting investment managers and monitoring performance.

This involves providing advice on the financial management of the 5 General Synod funds. This advice is provided in response to the strategy set by the Standing Committee.


The Investment Committee comprises:

Mr Andrew Frankling
Ms Susan Foley
Mr Grant Reubenicht


The Investment Committee shall assist the Standing Committee by reviewing and making appropriate recommendations with respect to investment policies, strategies, guidelines, benchmarks, delegations and performance reporting. For this purpose the Investment Committee shall:

  • Have oversight responsibility for the design, approval and evaluation of the investment strategies and policies of the five General Synod funds.
  • Recommend broad asset allocation bands to the Standing Committee, including asset concentrations, funds manager appointment and such other criteria as it considers appropriate.
  • Monitor, review and evaluate actual portfolio performance.
  • Ensure that regular investment reports are provided to the Standing Committee.
  • The Investment Committee has no role in deciding on the spending of monies from any of the five General Synod funds.